Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, Ya’ll! Is it just me or did this week fly by?! I feel like we were just settling into work Monday morning and here we are at Friday already. #i’lltakeit #notcomplaining

We’re joining Narci, Erika, and Andrea for their Friday Favorites link up! To join, just go to any of their pages and add your link! Easy peasy.

We’ve got a ton of FAVORITES for you this week, so settle in! 🙂


My FAVORITE this week was celebrating my birthday! My girls and I went to our favorite beach and enjoyed a nice day in the sun. Anytime I spend a day with my girls is a FAVORITE memory of mine.

For my birthday, my husband bought me a mountain bike! I’ve been asking for one for a long time! Bike riding is a great stress reliever for me as well as a great workout!



This was a very busy week! Last Friday was my brother (in-law) Jacob’s birthday and that was awesome! I loved being all together, loved having our friends from Pennsylvania down to celebrate, and loved having everyone at my house! It was such a fun time celebrating Jake with old and new friends!


 Saturday was recovery and the beach. Jocelyn made her light enchiladas, and they were delicious! I’m definitely going to make and freeze some. Recipe here.


I also love my cup with the C on it! Got this on a Zulilly sale, and it’s adorable!  I was pleasantly surprised with the quality!


 Monday night my friends and I had dinner again, and one of my friends really wanted another Malibu bay breeze after having her 1st on Friday so she, another friend and I rode out to get the stuff to have mixed drinks on a Monday. #responsibleadult

Also, Monday was Melinda’s birthday!  Happy Birthday Melinda! Lifelong friends like you are my FAVORITE!


Tuesday Joseph made grilled chicken teriyaki skewers- delish! (sorry for the blurry pic)  And yesterday he made homemade ramen – amazing! (not pictured)


 My sister-in-law and the babies came over to share wine and visit since they have been gone, and I gave my niece a butterfly umbrella I had bought her and she loved it. She carried it the whole time on a walk we took even though it wasn’t raining! So cute!

Shew! That was a lot. I told you it was a busy week. These summer days are my FAVORITE!


My first FAVORITE this week was realizing that Sunday was the 1 year anniversary of the day John and I got engaged! It was so fun to reminisce about that weekend. I love that guy so much and I’m so grateful for his support and love. 🙂


1 year ago! Crazy!

Another FAVORITE of mine was visiting the DE state fair on Tuesday! We only live about 30 minutes away, and it was a blast walking around and seeing all the exhibits. I saved about 10 pts for fair food, and I split a giant sticky cinnamon bun with my husband! Delicious!


John’s favorite part of the fair is visiting the pigs!

We got a lot of steps in at the fair, but I hadn’t hit 10,000, so we decided to make a detour to one of our FAVORITE parks about 2 miles away from the fairgrounds. The pic on the left was us 2 1/2 years ago right before we started dating, and the pic on the right was Tuesday- both taken in the same spot. Time flies!


My next FAVORITE this week was eating a light breakfast for dinner on Wednesday! I loooovvee breakfast foods, but they can get really heavy really fast, so this lightened up version really hit the spot! I didn’t feel like I was missing a thing! (1 egg & 3 egg whites, fruit mixture, 2 pieces of turkey bacon) Yum!


And speaking of food, we had this Honey Garlic Shrimp for dinner last night, and oh. my. It was delicious. I’ll share the recipe on Wednesday, so be sure to come back for that. The whole meal took me 20 minutes! #yesplease #signmeup This picture is a little sad because I had already taken like 3 bites when I remembered to snap a pic! Also, please ignore the rice grains that got dropped on the placemats. Haha! #piggy #classy


I’ve been daydreaming about vacation all week guys. It’s bad. I’m so ready to be on a Bahamian beach with a drink in one hand and a book in the other! Looking forward to our cruise in October has been my FAVORITE this week! And now there are only 79 days left! Woohoo!


My last FAVORITE this week was Corrinne surprising me with these adorable shoes yesterday! She told me to meet her after work bc she had something for me. I was curious all day, and I was not disappointed! They’re white with little gold pineapples all over them! I love any and all things pineapple, so I was very excited about these adorable shoes! Thank you Corrinne!

Those are our FAVORITES this week! Feel free to link up with us and share yours as well!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Andrea Nine says:

    Happy anniversary! I had to smile because in about three hours my son auctions off his pig at our big county fair and then his steer tonight. The fair is the best not to mention food, ha ha! And talking food, those enchiladas amazing!


    1. Jocelyn S says:

      Thanks Andrea! 🙂 Fair food is amazing! I always have to be so careful not to overeat at the fair bc I could eat everything there! Haha I need more fried oreos in my life. 😉 And the enchiladas are the best! Such an easy inexpensive meal that my husband and I eat all the time! And the lunch leftovers the next day are even better! 🙂 Good luck to your son at the fair tonight! 🙂


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