Friday Favorites



Happy Friday! It’s been a hot minute since we were here last, but we’re glad to be back and ready to dive in to share our FAVORITES from this week with you! As always, we’re linking up with Andrea, Narci, and Erika.


My first FAVORITE this week are these delicious summer foods we’ve been eating around our house! This week I was able to make healthy and light meals to stay on track with my diet! I love taking advantage of these fresh foods available during the summer months!


I made it a goal this week to go for a long walk in the morning or at night. Going for a walk always boosts my mood and its great exercise! Definitely a win-win and a FAVORITE!



My FAVORITE this week was celebrating my 4 year wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband! The past 4 years have been so precious to me and I look forward to many more with the love of my life.



My first FAVORITE this past week has been binge-watching any and all things Olympics! I love the Olympics, and we’ve talked here before about my strange obsession with gymnastics. This week its been my FAVORITE to stay up late and watch event after event happening in Rio! I think I love the Olympics because for once the world is focusing on something good instead of all the negativity and hatred around us. I love that people from so many cultures of all shapes, sizes, and colors are all representing their countries by doing what they love most. And how cool is it that the Olympics have been happening since the 8th century BC?! That’s such a cool tradition!


John and I clearly have different sentiments on the late-night Olympic watching.

My FAVORITE events to watch are beach volleyball, regular volleyball, swimming, diving, and gymnastics. Here are some of my FAVORITE pics/memes from these Olympics so far.

I consider myself a gymnastics expert (even though I’m quite far from it) so this one made me laugh.


As a former lifeguard, I can only imagine how useless this poor girl feels. This one made me lol.


I love this #gameface!



I love that the US went 1-2 in the AA competition.

My FAVORITE gymnast won silver in the All-Around competition yesterday, and her happy tear reaction totally made me all teary-eyed! If it interests you at all, look up her story of why she came back for a 2nd Olympics. It makes her winning that medal all the more poignant!


Ok. I think I’m done now. Sorry for the Olympics overload! lol

My next FAVORITE this week was seeing COLDPLAY on Saturday!!! Guys. By far, this was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. The concert this band put on was Out. Of. Control. It was so so awesome and if I don’t stop now, you’ll get another few paragraphs of me babbling.

These are just a few of the pics I have from the concert.

This is an aerial shot of the stadium. Everyone got these cool wristbands that were synchronized to the music. The would pulse and change colors with the music. So so cool!


We couldn’t believe we were seeing Coldplay LIVE!!!!!!!
In addition to the awesome light up wristbands, they shot off confetti, fireworks, laser shows… it was visually incredible.
We were so close to the stage! I’m so glad we got the tickets we did! It’s so cool to feel so close to the action!

If you ever get a chance to see Coldplay, take it. It’s so awesome! I’m ready to go again already. 🙂

Happy Friday friends! Those are our favorites! Have a wonderful weekend!

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